Monday, December 07, 2009


An illusion we have created

Regardless of the comments/thoughts one might say, I've done what was right to me. Not to prove anything to others but to protect what's more important.

I've once lost something that meant a lot to me and went through all the hurt to become who I'm now, though not perfect but from this imperfections i realised that life isn't all about having things going your way, but to learn from obstacles which hinders you along this journey.

My actions of removing jul from my entire facebook network was done solely for the purpose of shielding myself from seeing/knowing what she's doing. It wasn't meant for her to know, but unfortunately this news spread to her like wildfire and got one of my closest friend involved.
Never would i have expected her to react in such manner (Due to my lack of explanation, as i wanted to take some time alone) but thank god, the problem is solved now.

Jul was once an important person in my life (she still is for now at least.) but I've decided to cut connection like what she did. I'm not angry with her nor am i doing all this to gain anyone's attention. Let this be the last time you would ever see her name appearing on my blog.

ahhhh.. back to my normal self :)

Don't worry people, I'm totally fine ^^

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