Friday, July 31, 2009

Civilian life week : 1

My long awaited civilian life wasn't what i expect it to be.
Yes i do enjoy the freedom i now have, but having nothing to do can really bore someone to death ! And just as i thought things couldn't get any worst, i was wrong !
I'm stuck at home because everyone (including me) want to save some $$ before school starts and we have got no time to find a job as we ORD just few weeks before school.
Still need sometime to adjust to my new found freedom. haha !

Anyway have been job hunting for part time since last week. so far the most hopeful one is giraffe (restaurant/bar/lifestyle) the interview went smooth and guoce will be starting work at fish and co. which happen to be under the same organization as giraffe.
Feeling kinda excited about work but not exactly looking forward to it cause school starts on 17th Aug for me.
Mixture of feelings, one part of me wants to enjoy the freedom i have newly acquired but another part of me wants to do something more productive then just slacking away.
have to wait till work starts for me before i decide to slack or work since it's just a part time job !

Just for the record, I started learning guitar for about near a month now :) and i gotten a FG720S Yamaha to began with ! hahaha !

My new LOVE !

That's about all
Fly off to *~~~~*

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