Monday, November 09, 2009

the "Joy" stick !

Pardon the messy desk and welcome my new toys !
Yes look closer it's street fighter 4 ! and of course a joystick ! literally JOY ! :D HAHAHAHA !
got both online for 65 bucks.! and i can play it online with players worldwide !

anyway a little update on my life. I'm doing pretty well with my studies and of course gym-ing regularly too. but the only problem is i still sleep really late. like 3-4 am ?

back to my new toy, i need a upgrade of my desktop !! i can't play it in high quality and the game lags badly due to the graphic even at low settings. arghhhh !! But i can forget about upgrade for the moment cause i need to save up for hk trip before getting a new desktop, and there's no way dad is gonna get a new desktop for no apparent reason.

p.s. i won a Rubik's cube from mac !! LOVE IT !

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