Friday, January 08, 2010


HAPPY 2010 !! My very first post of the year, though it's 7 days late. But who cares !! it's a new year and a new beginning.
Fireworks @ Marina (Welcoming 2010)
Candid shot from EOY

Recalling back 2009, it was a year which taught me a lot.
1. Getting my Driving license
2. ORD from NS
3. Turning 21
4. Got my own DSLR (Scarlett sweetheart !)
5. Pick up Guitar
6. Did a Magazine article for my NUS friend.
7. A new family car (very much like my own, because I'm the main user)
8. Got to know cosplay friends !
9. Replacing my 2 years buddy with Iphone !
10. Finally got the chance to keep my hair long
11. Waited for idols @ the Airport
12. Learned to better appreciate myself and my family
13. Learned to never forget the pain and heartaches, which make me a stronger person.

Actually 8, 9 and 10 are highlights of 2009, no actual learning value

And with all that I'm kicking 2009 away and onwards with 2010 !


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