woke up at 8.30 !!!!
just so that i have enough time to get ready for donuts q-ing
caught a sight of this !


rare right ? i got super close to it and it din fly ! hohos !
reach khatib station and was already late XD so sorry melissa and wee soo !
When we reached raffles city ! around 10 the queue was already there ! so we had to change our plan of having our break1st together before queuing...
So so we divided ourself into 2 groups !
marcus and me ! went to MOS buger for our breakfirst =D
and that melissa keep coming to take our food and leave wee soo alone to queue !
look how evil =x hohos ( can shoot her caused nth is with her ) =p
as you know we are very "good" people so we took our own sweet time and ate our food slowly =x dun rush ma haha !!
there ! photos while we were queuing !

slacker !

hard work !

group photo, vincent helped us took the photo !
cam whoring infornt of donut factory !

missed marcus

still miss marcus ! forget it

after 3+ hours of waiting our donuts ! hohos !
Oh.. and ! That terence and guan li came late but still got to get donuts !! lucky vincent din wanted any donuts so he helped terence and guan li buy 1 dozen and help melissa bought another 1 dozen ! greedy melissa =x tsk tsk tsk !! just kidding !!! oh.. and each person is only limited to 2 dozen of donuts !
After all the effort !
we decided not to go home so early ! so we decided to go marina square for some pool and catch "200 pound beauty" again !
luck wasn't on our side cause !
they din have the movie showing there ! today !!!
arghh .. but did went to play some
The "donuts march !" lol ! when we were walking toward marina square

all the donuts are mine! ( ps/ i'm not greedy , was just kidding... melissa can't shoot me !)

our trophies !
After pool, we were still very persistence of catching "200 pound beauty" so we went to The cathay !
but unforturnately, all 4.05 tickets were sold out !
and melissa and marcus can't stay till too late as they have to reach their grandma's place before 7..
Wanted to rest and slack at bens and jerry... yet again ! full house !
so went down to the basement ! ahhh... some place to sit ! and photo taking time =x

outside of bens and jerry ! marcus ! the place we rest for awhile

me ! extra melissa ! lol !

enjoying the donuts ! just look at them =x

terence(Right, him) and terrence(Left, me) ! haha ! missed wee soo !cause she's too "tall"

Tall son ! and "taller" wonder mum =D

why i'm always the "shorter" one hohos wee soo =x

last photo of the day !

oh.. and a snapshot of wee soo ! teh susu !so cute ! >.<
Run !
that's all for today !
donuts ! in fridge !!
microwave 8 seconds and heaven it is !
warning ! donuts are addicitive ! >.<
hohos ! hard effort paid off !