after watching this video, i now so fcuking hate those inhuman bastard ! they skinned those animals alive ! how can they even do this ! laying their hands on those helpless animals !
have they lose their very little consideration for living things ?
When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned. One investigator recorded a skinned raccoon dog on the heap of carcasses who had enough strength to lift his bloodied head and stare into the camera.
let's join our hands to stop this abuse to animal ! god curse them for being so inhuman !
i wish they get a taste of their own medicine ! after killing so many !
Credit goes to Alice :) FYI
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
weekday talks
a photo of our neoprints :D
Sorry my dear readers i haven got time to blog lately thanks to my just recovered sickness from flu.
Actually i just woke up not too long ago *it's now 4.30am. Accidentally fallen asleep right after dinner.
alright alright call me a PIG for that :X i can so hear Elizabeth calling me that now.(never mind her)
Wanted to blog about THIS asshole that really pissed me at my workplace(HQMC) it's been ages(secondary) since someone pissed me off that much
who did he think he was when he said all those CRAPS ! *fcuk
i guess i shall continue my nonsense during my working hours.

p.s. hope my bestie is doing well (:
additional note:
maybe i shouldn't blog about him, but if it ever happen again shall bombard my blog post with all my anger and frustration about him, no doubt i will ! (:
additional note:
maybe i shouldn't blog about him, but if it ever happen again shall bombard my blog post with all my anger and frustration about him, no doubt i will ! (:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I found this site name Qassia from Sabrina :D . It actually helps you increase your unique hits and page ranks. And also it exposes your blog to many more people outside your circle or even country. * quoted from here.
Yup joined it but yet to have time to explore :( i'm so caught up with planning trips to Japan with my friends i simply don't have the time to blog ! will be blogging tml :D do click to support me !
Take Care people !
Yup joined it but yet to have time to explore :( i'm so caught up with planning trips to Japan with my friends i simply don't have the time to blog ! will be blogging tml :D do click to support me !
Take Care people !
Thursday, February 21, 2008
loving you !!
i'm down with flu and bad stomach people :( cursed the food i ate !
gotta rest people :( but before i go i have to show you this ! my favourite song !
did you enjoy it too ? haha :)
cya !
gotta rest people :( but before i go i have to show you this ! my favourite song !
did you enjoy it too ? haha :)
cya !
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Just another working day
This picture reflects ow i used to feel when I'm working the office

Alright maybe it was not that true. hahas, find the picture above cute so posted it:D
my life not that pathetic as that ! though everyday seems to be Deja Vu *FYI. Deja vu is "par amnesia" is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has repeated itself)
nothing interesting specifically. Life in ns is nevertheless same same same ! hahas !
Haven been looking through past photos in my picture folders. wow i must say tons of them really bring me back to those wonderful memories and experience we share between me and my buddies. awww ! i miss life back when i wasn't in NS !
alright must be thinking in your mind * can this uncle stop whining everyday about how he wants to get back before he was enlisted?
ok ok ! enough already.
lastly working life is getting better and better ! haha looks like being very optimistic helps !
and i seriously miss my ass bestie who have gone to US without me :(
Yes it's me and my big "tadpole"

This Video is damn funny ! do view it :D
that's all !
Monday, February 18, 2008
Me , me and more me ! from the past !
Ahhh I'm back from a good rest !
I must say this weekend was well spend :) sufficient rest and exercise
Went swimming alone at Safra Yishun kinda miss the days back with secondary mates.
alright shall dedicate this blog to old times and photos !
Good of me with green glasses :D
yup that's my silly "baby" sister *ain't she cute!
I must say this weekend was well spend :) sufficient rest and exercise
Went swimming alone at Safra Yishun kinda miss the days back with secondary mates.
alright shall dedicate this blog to old times and photos !
Good of me with green glasses :D
yup that's my silly "baby" sister *ain't she cute!

Long hair ? hahaa ! guess i was too lazy then !

My buddy since my Secondary Days ! Kristen

Me with my weird eyes ! alright label me narcissist

The Heck care face, taken by Pui Tung :D

messy hair ! take me back to the past *i kinda miss them
Basketball aftermath :D Sweaty yet happy !
Ever since this trip, we have become best of friends ! MELISSA LIM XIN YI!
alright that's childish i admit ! but i just love it !
Our Formal day ! :D
backs be the memories !
My Bestie best love picture !

me again ! times before i got enlisted :(
I miss them More then anything els now !
I wanna get back to studies !
I wanna get back to studies !
Melissa will you get back sooner ? I'm waiting :)
Ps. I love you whoever you are
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Random Yet Me
If only reality is as true as the lyrics of love songs.
IF ONLY. - quoted from
It's Weekend again ! hell lots of rest for me today.
Today I'm going to blog about random thoughts
Have you ever feel that when you are busy and tired, rest is what you need but time wasn't enough.
Then again, when you have time on your hands you tend to wanna go out and have fun.
Isn't that ironic ? You are tired,you don't have time to rest.
when you have the time, you don't rest.
sad to say I somehow falls into this group of people. *kicking this habit in progress
Talk about Love? ahhhh ! one topic that's consistently happening around me, but never me.
wonder why ? maybe I'm afraid of falling in love ? bad experiences i must say. never in my life have my relationship gone pass 2 months am I cursed ? hahas.. i hope not !
*anyone to break this curse ?
if only lyrics were reality.
Thats all ~
random me !
IF ONLY. - quoted from
It's Weekend again ! hell lots of rest for me today.
Today I'm going to blog about random thoughts
Have you ever feel that when you are busy and tired, rest is what you need but time wasn't enough.
Then again, when you have time on your hands you tend to wanna go out and have fun.
Isn't that ironic ? You are tired,you don't have time to rest.
when you have the time, you don't rest.
sad to say I somehow falls into this group of people. *kicking this habit in progress
Talk about Love? ahhhh ! one topic that's consistently happening around me, but never me.
wonder why ? maybe I'm afraid of falling in love ? bad experiences i must say. never in my life have my relationship gone pass 2 months am I cursed ? hahas.. i hope not !
*anyone to break this curse ?
if only lyrics were reality.
Thats all ~
random me !
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's day !

Will be another working day for me :(
plans after work ? having a few but not yet chosen any, maybe spending it at home ? i don't know.
For the past 19 years of my life Valentine's day has always been a normal day for me, guess it will be the same this year too.
Valentine's day is also friendship day :D
where single/unattached friends gather to have fun!
who says being single is so pathetic ? i bet there's tons of couples out there feels that sometime being single is better. *maybe I'm jealous of them, but just yet to found one.
Nevertheless ! Good lucks to those who are going to confess today ! it's a good day to give yourself a chance ! do speak up your mind if not the love of your life may never know you even existed :X *that's for those secret admirers
I strongly recommend you to watch "PS. I Love You" ! watched it with Alice ytd really super touching movie ! 4/5 !
PS. I Love You , Whoever you are :)
plans after work ? having a few but not yet chosen any, maybe spending it at home ? i don't know.
For the past 19 years of my life Valentine's day has always been a normal day for me, guess it will be the same this year too.
Valentine's day is also friendship day :D
where single/unattached friends gather to have fun!
who says being single is so pathetic ? i bet there's tons of couples out there feels that sometime being single is better. *maybe I'm jealous of them, but just yet to found one.
Nevertheless ! Good lucks to those who are going to confess today ! it's a good day to give yourself a chance ! do speak up your mind if not the love of your life may never know you even existed :X *that's for those secret admirers
I strongly recommend you to watch "PS. I Love You" ! watched it with Alice ytd really super touching movie ! 4/5 !
When will god send me a lover ? hahas :X
PS. I Love You , Whoever you are :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
illegal drugs
random post !
kinda find it really interesting, *those rapist really crack their brain to get in the pants
disgusting peoples resulting into shameless acts
kinda find it really interesting, *those rapist really crack their brain to get in the pants
disgusting peoples resulting into shameless acts
flunitrazepam - A powerful sedative drug, C16H12FN3O3, that is illegal in the United States but is used elsewhere as a hypnotic and in anesthesia. It is popularly known as the "date rape" drug because its ability to cause semiconsciousness and memory blackouts has led to its association with unwanted sexual encounters.
crazy stuff i must say! after receiving an email my one of my junior send me.
i went to ask Dr Ong regarding this drug. it's one of the old medicine used for treatment of insomnia. Even since it's being banned, people start using it as "Date Rape Drug"
According to the email "The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to
rape and sterilize their victims. All they have to do
is drop it into the girl's drink. The girl can't
remember a thing the next morning, of all that had
Taken place the night before. Rohypnol, which
dissolves in drinks just as easily, is such that the
victim doesn't conceive from the rape and the rapist
needn't worry about having a paternity test
identifying him months later.
The Drug's affects are not temporary - they are
permanent. Any female that takes it will never be able to conceive.
The weasels can get this drug from
anyone who is in the vet school or any university.
it's that easy, and Rohypnol is about to break out big"
so warning to those who club often please take extra precaution when drinking from any drinks left unattended .
off from work! out to meet Alice !
Ps. life at work is getting so much better :D
enrolled !
i have enrolled driving at SSDC
muhahahahaha ! happy as ever now :X photo photo !
*some are from 10/02/08 cineleisure trip :D pool !
muhahahahaha ! happy as ever now :X photo photo !
*some are from 10/02/08 cineleisure trip :D pool !
our beloved tuition teacher :D "VICKY"
Ai hui don't be shy
me :D
focus !
sorry i moved :X
PS. i kinda screwed my Ipod ! the wire was loosen when i was synchronizing ! arghhh !
and i lazy to send it to repair *though it's at "wheel lock"
Monday, February 11, 2008
back to work..
mood: Normal :D
moodiness thrown away after a good night rest, sorry peeps haven't been feel so wonderful during the weekends. maybe because of the holiday withdrawn symptom ?
alright.. nevertheless I'm if kinda sorry to throw traumas at you, i don't really mean it.
Watch "CJ7" ytd with Kristen, Wee Soo and Ai Hui at cineleisure surprisingly the movie tickets cost only 10 dollars each ! *might sounds kinda uncle, well because the newspaper did wrote that they would increase the price to 10.50 during the weekends..
Movie addicts like me is really particular with this minor details :P
The movie was overall a safe movie to watch, not that fantastic but not that dull as compared to "Kung Fu Dunk" !
which is really exaggerating, but the storyline was funny though.
CJ7 was much of a touching movie. About this 2 father and son who are very poor people living in a very innocent way.
Stephen Chow played the father that is uneducated, but wants the best for his son ; despite being a coolie he send his son to a school where only the rich could afford.
The last part of the movie really made me touched !
All i can say is Stephen chow's movie is a "die die must watch movie"
oh.. and i upgraded my Ipod earphone to a Ipod In-Ear-headphone !

moodiness thrown away after a good night rest, sorry peeps haven't been feel so wonderful during the weekends. maybe because of the holiday withdrawn symptom ?
alright.. nevertheless I'm if kinda sorry to throw traumas at you, i don't really mean it.
Watch "CJ7" ytd with Kristen, Wee Soo and Ai Hui at cineleisure surprisingly the movie tickets cost only 10 dollars each ! *might sounds kinda uncle, well because the newspaper did wrote that they would increase the price to 10.50 during the weekends..
Movie addicts like me is really particular with this minor details :P
The movie was overall a safe movie to watch, not that fantastic but not that dull as compared to "Kung Fu Dunk" !
which is really exaggerating, but the storyline was funny though.
CJ7 was much of a touching movie. About this 2 father and son who are very poor people living in a very innocent way.
Stephen Chow played the father that is uneducated, but wants the best for his son ; despite being a coolie he send his son to a school where only the rich could afford.
The last part of the movie really made me touched !
All i can say is Stephen chow's movie is a "die die must watch movie"
oh.. and i upgraded my Ipod earphone to a Ipod In-Ear-headphone !
From !

Apple Logo>>>
PS. Happy Chinese New Year ! good lucks to gamblers :X and those Mahjong Kings and Queens
Sunday, February 10, 2008
hateful !
i HATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS. why are girls so weird !
PS. why are girls so weird !
Friday, February 08, 2008
Chinese New Year !
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