It been almost
2 years since we enlisted into National Service, those memories from BMT(basic military training) are still as fresh as a daisy.
Though it was only 7 weeks of training together, the bond between us were much greater then any ordinary friendships. Throughout our training,
we perspired, we ran, we marched, we sang , we encouraged each others and we shared joy or even cried together during our harder times.
Those harsh condition created a bond that was unbreakable, we depended on each other for support and motivation to carry on our tough training.
Met up with the guys yesterday, because Wei Jian will be ORD-ing before us as he's disrupting for further studies in Australia/Queensland.
It wasn't a easy task to gather everyone but I'm happy that my efforts was well rewarded.
Went to
15 minutes at Bugis/Lasalle for dinner and drink !
Clockwise from bottom left :
Si Rong, Gerard, Wei Wen, Myself, Wei jian and Guoce
Cheers ORD LOH !

Notice the colors on different sides ? haha.
The Cheeky ORD boy in the middle.
The 2/3 beatbox crazy boys ! excluding the Wei wen.

Up till this very day, Wei jian still bring up that story of our enlistment day ! how embarrassing -.- i will try my best to type this our word by word of what he said.
Wei jian : I still remember ah, that day of enlistment we were all feeling a little emotional and there was this guy standing right in front of me talking chirpily to kang jin. Damn irritating lo ! feel like whacking him, people feeling emotional because of NS still talk so chirpily !
don't know who ah !! *hint hint - looking at me -.-OK !! it was me, i admit haha ! he still remember such a small thing !! well i was feeling just as nervous as everyone, that why i chose to talk to someone so that i at least have someone to talk to rather then getting emotional. right Wei jian XD hahahaha !! i know you are reading this.
Anyway we sat down and ordered our food and beer, the food was delightful and our conversations was just as good. The GOOD OLD DAYS !
After 3 good hours of chatting and food, we left the place and took some ORD photos for Wei Jian so he can take a look when he's in Australia. I KNOW YOU WILL MISS US ! good brother !
PHOTOS shall speak on my behalf !


Platoon 2 !

Army days ! OVER !

ORD LOH ! haha

smile for the camera !

Military Style 1

Salute to ORD personnel ! Farewell my brother !
Credits to Juliana for taking the great photos.Wei Jian Take good care of yourself ! Bon voyage this friday !
need us to send you, just let us know !!
p.s. You will be solemnly missed