AFA '09 was a blast !!
2 full day of photo taking was insanely intense, as there were more photographer than cosplayers.
and after 2 days of standing and squatting with my heavy camera, I managed to snap over 1000+ photos. what an achievement XD
Anyway this year's cosplay definitely show significant improvements in terms of costume and character selection, both epic wins and epic failures ! haha. but shall keep those epic failures as personal collection.
Let my photos speak on my behalf, i guess they would do a better job ^^
Both are female ! not sure which characters they were cosplaying though.

Usavich ! 2 ultra cute girls ! they were quite surprise that i know who they were cosplaying as :)

Contestant of regional cosplay championship from Indonesian
May Nakabayashi and Kaname☆

A very lost Cosplay girl XD

U.S.A.V.I.C.H. !

cosplaying as Putin (left) and Kirenenko (right) Komanech (center - the transvestite chicken)

Candid shot but kawaii !

More of Usavich !

Cho Kawaii desu !

A picture with Usavich !

If i'm not wrong she's cosplaying one of the character in K-on ?

Not forgetting a picture with her :)

Kurosaki Ichigo from bleach

Not sure which character, but still picture time ^^

Damn cool right, pardon me for my lack of knowledge in Anime >_<

Autographed Tee-shirt of Kaname☆

Cute Chinese character from ??? XD

Claymore ! showed no mercy to me

Close up of the one and only tee shirt signed by Kaname☆

Sanada Yukimura from Sengoku basara and Kaname☆ as Cloud from FFVII

Lavi from D.Gray Man

3 of a kind.

Emo Misa Misa from Death Note

Lord Pain from Naruto !

K-on !

Unknown but definitely one of the best cosplayer seen during AFA '09

Vocaloid !

Sanada Yukimura from Sengoku basara

k-on full cast

DGM lenalee ?

Vocaloid but different cosplayers



Hollow Ichigo - Success !

Tenka (got to know her from AFA '09) and I

Vocaloid full cast

Unknown but success !

??? i guess i took this because of her posture XD

From Samurai X

Mr. Bushido from Gundam 00

More of the picture in my facebook photo album ! check it out :D