7 oct :
Went out with Dharfianto AKA kiang, Lester and my long lost good friend kan fai AKA toufu.
met up at Somerset station and headed to cine leisure for " POOL " omg.. i love =D after so long !! haha..
pool was FUN but felt cold at the place !! we were freezing inside kpool but luckily I brought my jacket along.. too bad guys, one size fit just ONE :P !! hahaha..
supposed to be playing pool till late but kan fai wanted to leave early !!
which a turn off !! -.-"
and so Lester went off with kan fai, leaving the 2 of us ( Dharfianto and i ) wondering what to do next...
so thank to my ingenious brain cell, thought of what we to do next =D
yaya .. which is a "hiking journey" through town.
1st stop was Heeren, walked every level within the shopping center and bought some really cool stuff =D for my friend "panda" hahaa...
so we continued with our plan. Wanted to walk to far east, but as we were walking .. kiang told me that he was meeting bi xia and shu hong at bugis for steamboat, so i thought to myself "why not go bugis =D"
so we the 2 wonderer took train and reach bugis.
was still super early around 6+ but is supposed to meet at 8
yup... lol..
walked the whole bugis junction as well.. hahaa.. oh.. and that mei qi always missing*
told mi that she was working at bugis that day, so went hunting for her..
BUT after 30 mins .. we still see no sign of her ! not gonna find her le la !!
haha just JK =D
waited and waited sitting down near the fountain looking at kids playing(damn it, they spray the water at us, TWICE) haha.. nvm though. and waited for bi xia's arrival
lol .. and time flew !! finally she touched down around 8.30 !
all those waiting worth =D cause even since the last day of my school we haven really chatted till ytd..=D
though shu hong didn't manage to come but still there is next time.. haha..
so we joked, tell stories and flew question at each others !
was really fun and sort of the " Libarian gathering !! FAINT!
haha ya.. and DUE to someone's religion we were forced not to make meat from the shop, because the slicing machine is SHARED between Beef(my favourite), mutton and pork !! meatless steamboat.. lol = healthy steamboat.. we we only can eat fishballs, meatballs, sotong balls and shrimp balls ya.. or sorts of balls but not MEAT !!oh.. ya.. and pei ling came at the last min and joined us =D lol..

our soup !
after eating so so so muc !! we decided to take off to esplanade and blow some "FRESH" air hahaha..
walked all the way from bugis to esplanade was really fun chatting and catching up our stories. =D
ya... and it was late so we took a cabby home.
end of the story =D
lazy to add more la.. photos ? some lazy sotong ball didn't want to upload ..!!
so next time =D
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