All those outings, ton overs,late-night gamings and movie trips sure drain the life out of me.
Almost feeling lethargy everyday, waking up in the noon wondering "m'i having breakfirst or lunch now ?"
lazyness to exercise and reluctance to do stuff like stepping outside the house ?
haha ! but fortunately enough for me, having my friends to ask me out everytime =D
activities such as chalets, shopping trips, movies !, ton overs, games, phone conversion and our best loved activity Kbox session !
hahaa.. special thanks to PUI TUNG for always be there when i'm down ! thanks buddy!
and to MELISSA for always cracking jokes with me, over msn and smses. and always naggy at me to get my things done =x
WEE SOO too ! for always being the happy apple in our group, maybe she's just too blur =x but that's ok ! opps !
VINCENT my tonning gay partner cum gaming addicts ! *Cause* we 2 are simply too free and too addicted to games !
and last but not least to my ever supportive family =D
though they offen nag but still they are always there for me when i need them =D
alright time to update what happen recently
*almost forgotten everything though*
hahaha.. outings outings and more OUTINGS
watched "Blade of Glorys" yesterday
omg.. man it's suchs a funny movie !
you gotta watch it ! 5/5 ! cause it's really that damn funny movie =x
you will laugh till you drop off your sits
a trailer to show you
=D be sure you catch it !
oh.. and guess who is this ?
till then !
i shall blog more =D
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