NAME: Vincent Leong Kok Wei
Age: 19
DOB:11 / 07 /88
Height: 177
Weight: Unknown
Gender: Male
Hometown: Unknown * cause he don't stay at one place for long
Hobbies: Play Games, Sleep, Have Sex* Kidding and Give lame excuses to not go out !
alright just a little additional information to him, though he doesn't show much of his emotions to us but we all know deep down inside his heart we are always there =)
Our Very last outing before Mr Vincent leong enlist to Army Went to Cine-Leisure and had a simple dinner ! at the previous restaurant i went (*forgotten the name again!)
During our Last dinner we have Kristen, Solomon, wee soo and me *FYI- Angela was late
And Melissa was oversea at Japan.
Some photos of him =)
Very emotional !
Him with Solomon
His Besties
A group photo =)
Group 2 - Vincent we will miss you !
Our Meal =) looks and taste delicious !
Wee soo, Kristen, Me, Vincent ! and Solomon
After finishing our dinner, Kristen and Solomon wanted to head home.
and soon after our cute little Alien*Angela arrived =)
Catch a movie called "I know Who Killed Me"
Very nice storyline, very different from the normal thriller movie you see... it has lots of twist and mystery inside for you to guess and wonder !
Over a 4 Star movie ! though from first thought it was like we just wanted to catch a movie !
hahaaa... we were lucky =) so does Vincent!
Headed home straight afetr the show cause we all had to wake up early as vincent is enlisting the day after =(
The BIG Enlistment day for Vincent !
Supposed to Meet up at Yishun 8 a.m with Alice, Angela and Wee Soo
but in the end only Alice and Wee Soo turned up...
caused Angela was having a headache due to lack of sleep !
So we headed to pasir ris first.... to meet Vincent for breakfast =)
A photo on the cabby
Busy having a good chat ! cause it's their first time meeting each other !
reached the holy ground of pasir ris - White sand shopping center
and went Mac to have our breakfast ^^
photos are here to speak for me =)
Interviewing Vincent just before he step onto Tekong
The very reluctant Vincent Yawning away !
and our cute Wee Soo looking at him =)
Our journey Begins ! back View of everyone including Angela the late comer !
Me and Alice
Alice and our Army Boy Vincent
We din mean to left Vincent out XD
So we took another photo =)
Silly Alice !

Alice and me

Angela , Wee Soo and Me

Us again!
Smile ! can tell Vincent is forcing it =(
Happily landed on Pulau Tekong
Me, Angela and Alice
The girls ! Sweet ain't there =)
Vincent's New home ! for 13 weeks !
The Separation from the enlistees and family and friends
and Vincent headed to his Intro to Tekong
We took a bus and headed to Leopard company line
and the officers there introduce us to the room they were be staying for the next 13 weeks
*i used to sleep on them too ! just merely a week ago !
and he got into the same Company as me !
The bed !
Soon after the introduction, we were lead to the canteen for some refreshments
and the silly Angela was angry so i brought her favourite food ! Maggie Mee !

Wee Soo and Me in the canteen !
See the green tea straw ! shows how horny =x
=p she said my coke can also shows how horny i'm ! lol
After which we look a last look at Vincent and left tekong =(
having the rest of the day for our self ! we went cine to catch a movie and do some shopping !
hahah saw my ns friends over there - Wei jian, Si Rong and Jere
while we were taking neo prints !

Watch the movie Apartment 1303 kinda cool ! the 3 girls totally freaked out =x
and i was like laughing all the way because they were like funny =x
bounce back and took some photo while we were waiting !
Twist !

guess who is tipping her toe =)

My Silly Alien ! and me =)

Why are we in the same color =/

I like this photo!
landed on my bed and went zzzZZZ
Went to The Gym with my Bunk Buddy ! Kenny ! din took any photo !
but we really did some good workouts !
thanks to my personal gym instructor !
after Gym i Went to Ntuc and got myself some colorful snacks !
My snacks !
Did i mention i got myself a new Adidas watch and an ipod =)
here's a photo
My black set
Headed to Changi Airport Terminal 1 for my bestie RETURN ! =) reached there around 2.30
Went there earlier cause i accidentally deleted the msg she send me tell me the time and terminal where she will be at when the plane land, waited like near 4 hours but it's all worth it ! cause my bestie is back !!
The time i saw her =)
how weird of me not to take any photo ?
hahaa.. went for dinner at Chong pang and went to Melissa's place.
Chat and slack
and got my bin from Disney
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