But in the end he was the only one who got his hair cut, as for me nah... Since both my mum and her said that my hair wasn't that long so i will be only cutting it this weekend. well my initial thought was to stay on the safer side since I'm still serving army.
While we were having coffee at Starbucks, Pui Tung suddenly announce that he was in an relationship ! which totally caught me off guard, and that it has already been a week since they officially started dating.! And i was kept in the dark (HOW DARE HIM)! hahaha. But nevertheless I felt really happy for him : )
AS this is his FIRST ever relationship in his entire 19 years ! hehehehe. "sweet revenge" that's for keeping me in the dark :P
Throughout the conversation, we were talking about each other life (e.g. r/s , monetary issues, studies and current technology) pretty much one short yet sweet catching up session.
bought this CD from SMC (Sembawang Music Center) as they were having moving out sales.
A mixed collection of love songs, but not all are actually that nice. The song that attracts me to actually buy it was "Superwoman by Karyn White"
truly smoothing to the ears.
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