the lovely post-it i wake up to see everyday :)
will be having duties today in camp, dread work ? you bet !
but will be catching up with my pals tomorrow :) cause one of the two that went for the oversea exercise is coming back tonight !! :D
Quantum of Solace ! here i come !
not a very big fan of 007 but when it comes to action movies which involves fast cars, cool gadgets, and sexy woman. A guy can't say no... ( ok maybe just me, cause i love explosives and fight sences )
had a guy talk yesterday night with wei jian, regarding some r/s issues, not to worry it's the usual topic in a guy talk.
hmmm. and our mentality towards certain aspect in a r/s are the same, atomic reaction ? ya .. some thing similar to a relationship.
when placed too closely together will start to repel instead of attracting each other?beyond the equilibrium distance,repulsion force became greater than attractive force.
equivalent to humans r/s ? a yes from me.
yes this is the nature of things, but to me it doesn't mean we can't do anything to improve the situation : ) -won't take thigns for granted, cause i cherish what i have- [noble ? no i would think it as just trying my best to take a stand for my loves ones]
the good thing of this happening means, congradulation ! that shows that both of you went beyond normal relationship and is entering to the next level. -if you manage to resolve the problems/sort things out-
other wise, things might get nasty.
still it's all part of growing up isn't it ?
haha.. the good news is things were resolved and the bad news is i think i'm loving her even more. oh.. pardon me XD that was both good news ! hahahaha !
too bad :P
alright .. enough of my "logics" i'm off to work :(
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