Tuesday, October 06, 2009


-Severe Censorship is imposed to this entry for the viewing of normal human being-

Something is bothering me but i can't describe it, it's like logic vs instinct.
My instincts tells me that it's safe and harmless through 1 year odd of experience and understanding, but my logic clearly tells me to avoid danger like what my motto suggest "What you don't know, don't hurt you."
Thanks to my very "high" EQ I'm back in the loop of thoughts, which in turn has become an obstacle to my path.

Is it true ? or it is not ?
I'm curious i must say, but curiosity sometimes only bring unwanted result. And by now i would have been the best example of this series of misfortune.

gravitation i despise. we all submit to its mercy and operate under it's demand but those who dream big, came out with airplanes and rockets maybe in the future we might even invent teleportation machines or time traveling machines ?
that's a big if.
But if you were to travel back in time would you choose to change your past ?
For me personally i would choose not to have done several things which had happened so far. But in reality we have to be practical :) that's what I've learn after breathing for twenty nearing 1 year.

等価交換論の構造 ?
maybe ?

back to my dreamland and hopefully dream about something more interesting and less torturing. haha

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