Monday, April 19, 2010


Have been away for awhile now, updates are as rare as usual. But to those who are concerned/curious about my life.

Here's a little something that I've have been up to lately.

Zone-00 : Kurobara Rouji(right)
For those who still haven't figure out why i'm posting you this page from the comic, guess no further ! I'm going cosplay as Kurobara Rouji from Zone-00 (not a very popular manga here though) It's going to be my first attempt on cosplay-ing, and i've been preparing/researching on him.

Below are some of the sketches I've done in preparation for the costume.

Right Arm's tattoo, minor mistake on one of the vines.
overall costume, and yes he doesn't wear a top. But he does have a coat of black feathers :)
(Credit to jq)
Test 1: experiment on which is the best way to apply the tattoo.

That's all for now. ~

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