day 3... woke up super late.. around 1..
and was suppost to meet dharf for breakfirst.. but ended up we didn't meet.. hahaa
though he called a few times, but couldn't get mi up,
so shall postpone it to next time..
meet up with mei qi AKA tomato on a "so called" my b-lated birthday trip..
haha.. which had passed many days ago !
becuase she didn't had the time to spare till now..
LOL... so we went for a movie =D " Colic " a horror movie.. rather gross
as the killing part was bloody..
adverage horror movie you should watch with your girlfriend or boyfriend...
after the movie and walked to heeren and ate at Village...
the food was really nice ! and we got 20% discount on our total bill !
so cool , they were having some sort of a chrismas promotion..
and lastly but the so shocking thing ! i got the adidas T-shirt which i wanted to buy.. from mei qi !!
awww... was so shocked that she thought i didn't like the shirt [=
i love it !!
thanks mei qi !!
anyway my family gonna come back today !!
i so miss them !! >.<
finally they are back.. and ending my home alone !!
hahaha.. shall blog to here..
some photos =D

tomato hiding >.<

tomato and chairman

my adidas shirt =D

i so love it !! >.<
thanks mei qi !! i dunno how to thanks you !
oh.. and i forgot... the food i cooked while my family was out..


how it looks ?

finish product !! haha..
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