Had a very good time catching up with Qiu tin ! As crappy as usual, though there was an additional member to our topics which is "Work". Thanks again for the ice cream treat :)
And you're welcome, we can always visit youth park again soon !
I look fair in this photo because of the brightness setting ! I'm quite tan FYI.

Catching up with my tekong buddies wasn't that bad despite we abandon our initial plan to catch "Meet Dave" and had a lunch at Korean BBQ *yummy*
Officially 1 year plus soldiers now, all are quite settled in their respective vocation now. pretty much waiting for the day we ORD.
Met up with Pui tung to assist him with his 1st month present ! goodness it was really troublesome!we even walked from douby gout to Bugis and back to Douby again! it's always a consistent headaches for us guys having to pick up presents regardless birthday or certain "special" occasions but after so much of walking done, it was nevertheless a fruitful trip. One of the best outing i had that week (don't ask me why it's only one of the best; well all i can reveal is that the first Aston's dinner tops the chart too =] ) , very much our usual guys talk about our life in general ; Education, Work, Relationship, our Parents ! and also NS , all i have for you Pui tung is that you enjoy while you still have the chance before entering army :X hahahahaha ! by then i would have already ORDed or soon to be.
Had dinner at Aston Specialist at The Cathay level 4, the food was relatively good we had 2 cream of mushroom and 2 of their specialty chicken chop with 2 sides dishes each. And what was even better were the pricing, our total bill barely even hit 20 bucks with no addition service charges ;and it absolutely gave us an extra push towards tipping for their services, while not being "forced" to pay every time we visit an eatery ! Was my second visit to that restaurant. Totally WORTH ! do very much give it a try.
I'm sure i will soon too :)
This hurdle shall not obstruct us , we'll cross it together. I'm very well aware of the current situation, and am certainly sure that time will be our best weapon against it. ♥ -cheers :)
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