Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The ugly truth

Caught the ugly truth yesterday!
An anticipated movie and indeed it beats my expectation hands down ! :)
Though some assumptions are stereotyping men and woman, but just give it a good laugh ! haha.
Watching this film reminds me how much i like to watch good movies, it brings you different aspect of life which you don't have to experience yourself and brought to life by the director and actors/actresses.

The chemistry between Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler was fantastic ! or should i say we see what we want ? haha.
anyway DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE ! it's really hilarious ! And remember to flick the bean ! :X

Anyway did some catching up with Joel despite his hectic study schedule :) thanks buddy ! just give your best for the coming papers !

Still as cheerful since 1988 !
A very humongous burger ? the bread is different though. but tasty and messy !

hamsters time !
Paparazzi attack ! flashed !
Hey Stop ! Angry stares*
Some of his carefree daily shots
Alert ! spotted camera ! *snapped*
Oh that's xiao bai's neighbour her name is kiwi ~ unglam ! the Next door girl.
Jia you xiao bai :X
serendipity.. i didn't know it would be this easy :)
the ugly truth, face it !

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