Saturday, May 13, 2006

Life still goes on for me even though many unwanted things happened ... but there is little i can do nor can i do any . haiz ...

anyway .. tml have to go to my ah ma house celebrate mother's day !!
i so so so dun wanna go .. like nth to do there .. heng at least got my cousins there :) if not i rather rot at home and do nth =x hahah .. so bored !!

AHHhhhhhhhhhhHHHhHHH !!! 2 weeks holiday start le ... i have no where to go nor i wanna go anywhere ~~ sian sian sian .. .hahaha ... i think i just stay at home to my projects ba .. .if not i gonna die le =x

Anway this is my first post ~~ nth to read le .. Tata ~~

1 comment:

orangesoda;) said...

HEY copy me ar..lols..what go go jiayou..funny the show go go go..lols..