I'm getting lazier by the days, if you have noticed i have left my blog untouched for quite some time.
it's not because i didn't have to blog, but every time i enter my blogger page my mind would blank out.
even now I'm managing every ounce of my strength to type this out.
Driving test is tomorrow, pretty confident about passing my test but as i have said complacency shall never be allowed ! also i'm counting down to ORD-ing from the service(Hell)
talking about hell, hahaha i have drag kristen to hell (Tekong) earlier this week as he's enlisting into national service.
upon setting foot on tekong's soil, a sudden nostalgic feeling struck me. It reminded me of the moment when i was like him, new to this unfamiliar environment and what's ahead for new enlistees.
To me it feels like just any other days, maybe because of the fact that I have been 1 year 10 months into the service. but regardless, the feel isn't pleasant due to the certitude changes ahead of them.
allow the photo to speak on my behalf.
Kristen with his BMT hair cut !

A walk to Remember

The right of way to Tekong

His second home for the next 13 weeks

oath taking ceremony

I have to show off to you guys what Jul and I have been saving for the past 3/4 months.
Piggy feeding session have lead us to this stunning figure !
ta da~ Each row content 20 dollars worth of 1 dollar coins, so do your own math

If you have trouble counting it, it's actually $360 dollars.
Funds are contributed to our anniversary Watches and activities for the day (yet)
let you guys have a look.

I love my watch ! it's so beautiful ! it's a piece of art !
that's about all.
3 more weeks what a good nunber :)