Monday, June 22, 2009

0309 HRS

Recorded timing 0309 HRS

I'm currently still very awake, probably due to the nap i took earlier afternoon.

have been switching my laptop on and off for the past 2 hours.
couldn't fall asleep, and didn't want the laptop to extend my night.
anyway let me share my happiness with you people here :)
I passed my driving test last friday ! with a 14 points demerit.
basically the main contribution was from a lady (i believe is a lady from china) whom was walking on the side of the road instead of the proper walking path just 1 meter beside. which caused me 6 demerits and the rest are some minor mistakes.

just ranting : )

ahhhh.. blogger is the best to turn to when i'm having a sleepless night when all other are sleeping safe and sound on their bed.

let me start counting my sheep now before dawn break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....