Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Took this photo yesterday when i got home. have been seeing full moon for the pass few days so decided to take a photo of it, noticed how the reflection stretches on the water surface?
Quite an unique shading due to the angle of the moon.

let's skip topic shall we ?
like the ever changing weather lately, i been having some emotional malfunction too, but i'm glad to say everything kinda seems settled now or at least. HAHA !
but thanks to those who are concerned i really appreciate it : )

Anyway I'm only days away from my driving test and i'm pretty confident that i can do it ! but still i'm constantly remind myself not to be complacence with the test and end up failing badly. Higher the hope the higher the disappointment when fall.

And i think i'm no longer afraid of visiting the dentist. Thanks to the recent consistent visits to my dentist for my endodontic therapy which in layman's term means"root canal treatment", for those who still don't know, it's actually a series of treatments which involves drilling, cleaning and filling up the pulp of my right 2nd last molar tooth.
left with one last visit for the crowning and i'm ready to sink my right set of teeth down on solid food.

oh ya, almost forgot to show off what jul bought me !

My very own 2009 schedule book with my favourite cartoon character Stitch !! it's never too late to be organized ! :P
Though i must say it's a little too cute for me to bring out, but since it's from her who cares about what other think XP

and my Bear brick trying to steal the limelight. plans ahead ~

that's pretty much sums up what i had in mind.
one last thing the longest word that can be found in a dictionary is
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" which stands for a rare lung disease which also explains my title.

night night !

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