Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I'm feeling quite sick of army already. fatigue-ridden and work like a zombie during office hours. It's suffocating me but I'm only left with 30 more working days before i breath the air of freedom !

Gonna blog about what happened on Sunday.
Woke up pretty (8 am) early in the morning for my driving revision at SSDC, i'm quite proud to say that I'm doing rather fine now clearing the circuit to me is a walk in the park. But i'm still quite weak in lane changing, cause i often abrupt lane change.

After driving for 2 hours, went down to AMK mac for breakfast with jul at 10 but she was late XD haha ! -this line sole purpose is to make you feel guilty- TeeeHeee.

shall skip the grandmother story and just summarize my day
went to vivo -trained-> Dhoby ghuat -walked-> Lucky plaza -walked-> Fareast plaza -trained-> back home

My leg took all the soreness after one whole day of walking and standing (soreness partly due to the previous day basketball) but i truly enjoyed our date.

let the photos to speak on my behalf.

Trying to solved a puzzle on jul's DS while having my mac big breakfast

the very colorful menu, but can't really read it cause it's written in japanese.

hahaha ! this shot have the funniest story behind it. look at jul's right eye and you should roughly know we are struggling to keep our eyes open for this photo under strong sunlight.

last but not least, a very very nicely angled shot taken by jul :)

work have been tough but funny little things makes dull work a little livelier. : )

p.s. 3

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