Sunday, October 11, 2009


when the first light touches my face, and the first breath i take on a Sunday. i realised i have grown 1 year older. it's my birthday today, but i totally have no feeling of celebrating it.

It definitely gonna be a memorable one like many of my first experience, not in a good way but well memorable. My first valentine's time with my gf, we quarreled a day before valentine's and i couldn't even remember what we did that day except for the fact that i think we did went out.
My 1st anniversary in a r/s, started with waiting for morning tuition to end and ended with her going to work, and what did we do ? i hardly remember. but they were definitely oddly memorable.

There's still a long long road for me to walk. i really wish to take good care of my parents and provide them their well deserved retirement despite my mom being a house maker.
and also have a closely bonded family relation, since recently mom and dad isn't on very good terms.

happy birthday Tze hui, remember you have dreams and ambition in your life which you very much want to do and experience. this 21st birthday shall mark the day which you are given a new life, a life of adulthood. Independent and resposible!
It's only going to get better down the road, you deserve to be normal and happy like everyone else :)

Alright i shall take this opportunity to make a wish, i wish that I'll be happy and forget all those unwanted memories not entirely r/s but life in general, be it friends , work or studies.
Life is beautiful and full of surprises, don't just sit there and sulk, walk and turn your head, see the things around you. The earth you are stepping on, be proud and contented that you are able to live a healthy life which not everyone is entitled to.

lastly i really want to thank my parents "thanks daddy for giving me such a BIG cheque" and "mummy for the ang bao which will bring me luck :)"
I LOVE YOU !! that that love is forever ^^ thanks for bringing me into this world although i always complain you being naggy and bossy. haha. you are the BEST PARENTS i could ever wished for :)

I'm going to end this post now, it will not be posted as this will serve as a reminder and my thoughts for my 21st birthday.

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