Monday, October 05, 2009


Soaked with the energy gathered last night, I'm ready to kick start my week maybe for 2 hours ?!
after a weekend of noon naps, i concluded that the more you sleep the sleepier you get. at least this applies to me. Yawns*

came upon this very interesting blog post saying if you were to be given 2 option to a scenario which would you choose

a) knowing that all happiness comes to an end and experience the down side, but still do it.
b) knowing that all happiness comes to an end and avoid so there's no unhappiness.
it's a rough idea so ya.

i personally choose option A, well lets face it we all know everything comes to an end. But why do i still choose it ?reason is simple, you only have ONE life to live why deny yourself the chance to experience something wonderful ?
That's my logic at least, you take up the chance to experience and change not only yourself but maybe other people around you as well, despite knowing that someday it will come to an end. Getting the best of out it rather then missing the chance to do so.
and yes it's worth it ! even knowing the downside, and which choice you make doesn't have with a price ?

I shall state a reason why i didn't choose option B over A, it's simple, if you choose to avoid then you wouldn't learn anything at the end of the day. And what you get is nothing more than being a hermit in your own world of utopia, which at some point of time will be shattered by the cruel reality.


if you are thinking who is Scarlett it's actually the new love i was talking about in my previous post. kinda misleading i know but well she change my perspective of life through a lens :)

I've grown tremendously compared to the past 2 months or 3 ? i no longer feel miserable, no longer desire, no longer dead mentally and physically.

I actually saw her at 15 minutes 2 days back, and thought well since the accidental bump wasn't as bad as i expected as it would be on our first encounter. So i decided to drop her a couple of smses so to catch up, but what comes next wasn't what i expected. Nevertheless, it was unpleasant. But guess like what most people will say "i asked for it." HAHAHA. Alright i better get my ass off the chair to prepare for lesson now.

1/3 from completing my book !

p.s. The movie "Surrogates" was good ! but the ending a little too abrupt.

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