Saturday, October 24, 2009


Finally I have decided to turn my blog private. And for those who are invited, welcome to my world.
Let me recap on what have happened so far.
Yes, I'm single now as you can see and yes I was rather emo then. But not anymore, pure serendipity I must say.
And yes, I'm fine and quite enjoying life like this.
It time to drop the fantasy and face the real world. With my new found love scarlett and my iPhone.

I'm on my mission to forget her and move on so that I can better focus on the current tasks and goals I have for myself an very much my parents hopes too. It's been a difficult period of time few months back, new found freedom since i've orded and a ugly breakup.
Also yes the heartaches but I'm glad it all happened, not saying that I've enjoyed it. But at least I saw the true colors of what human are capable of even when you thought you know that person.

Randomness, have watched a few good films recently and found some inspiration from them. Movies like 500 days of summer makes you realise that even thought forgetting someone is difficult but if given enough time you will find back your true passion and motivation. Provided you don't die before that. Haha
another very inspiring movie is julie and julia, it simply motivational and go watch it for yourself : )

exam will be coming in around 1 month time. And after Which I will be flying off to hk for a
getaway : )
hopefully I can earn enough money to fund my expedition.

That all for now, nothing very interesting.

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