Friday, October 02, 2009

Wake me up when September ends

2nd day of October and i have such a dream.
is it good or bad ? but it sure is weird and full of twist.

it's been so long since have such dreams, unpredictable would be best fit the description.

If you haven't know i have left giraffe to take a break from work, and concentrate on living my life to the fullest :) yes i do enjoy working in giraffe but every good thing ends which applies to this as well.

oh ya.! and i bet you guys haven't see my photo on my blog for sometime now, don't really have a decent one but i guess this shot will do ?

Pardon the dirty mirror

twist them, turn them, solve them. like a Rubik's cube it always return to normal.

p.s. I was smoking in my dream, and it feels quite good !

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