Saturday, October 17, 2009

Exposure value

Realizing certain things in life if given a chance to choose a short lived happiness for the sorrowness you get after. I would choose not to have made that decision and know that person. Some might say I'm stuck in the past, but to me I'm
just doing reflection so to better equip myself for future challenges.

It's not totally a waste of time, in fact it's a very valuable lesson to see one true colors. Turn out the person you thought you know, is just an illusion you created for yourself and that reality is merciless.

Nope I don't feel sore, certainly not
just self reflection.

Guitar, camera, xiao bai, and my love-hate family.
Embrace changes
chasing dreams

someday I will create my own clothes brand ! But for now it will only happen in my dreamland of utopia.

Friends can I trust them too ?

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